Welcome to our church family!
We're grateful you're here.
The St. Matthias Men's Club was founded on fellowship of Catholic Christan men using their time and talents to support the needs of the St. Matthias Catholic Church and the community of Magnolia, Texas. We offer an opportunity for fellowship to the men of St. Matthias. We serve our Parish by doing maintenance (electrical plumbing, carpentry, landscaping, and painting), small projects that help to reduce the costs for various works in Gods Church, aid and support St, Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, and organizing fundraisers as needed.
Second Tuesday of each Month
Meals are provided at no cost.
Fellowship Begins: 7:00pm
Meeting Begins: 7:30pm
All men who are members of St. Matthias the Apostle Catholic Community
are considered to be members of the Men's Club. There are no dues required
in order to belong.
All men are welcome to come to any or all meetings.
A good time will be had!