Welcome to our church family!
We're grateful you're here.
The building construction is nearing completion. This will be the final update. No pictures in this update - we will all have to wait for the dedication of the church to see it all. It is really great to see this finally come to fruition!
The front doors and glazing are in. All of the tile work and marble work is essentially complete. The pews arrived this week and will be installed over the next 10 days. Quite a bit of the liturgical furnishings have been put in place already. The landscaping, final grading and irrigation system work has started. A punch list walk thru has been compiled for the St Vincent DePaul building.
Over the next month, we will complete the owner furnished items, set the lighting, tune the audio systems, and set access systems.
Reserve the date for the church dedication - February 11, 2022.
Asphalt paving of the parking lot is completed as well as a lot of the grading near the church. The exterior light poles around the church were erected over the last couple of weeks. The covered drive through drop off is also now completed. Tiling of the nave is about 50% done and work has begun to install the marble on the sanctuary platform. Restroom stall partitions and fixtures are now in too. The chapel painting for the rear wall behind the altar was set in place.
This week the dome was installed and both crosses were a fixed one to the dome and the other to the steeple. The remaining exterior manufactured stone has been arriving slowly and installation progressing. Also this week, the piers for the covered walkway were drilled and poured. Sidewalks and other flatwork around the church has also been started. In the interior, Sheetrock installation continues and work on the barrel ceiling has begun. Tiling of the restrooms has also started.
The acoustical ceiling in the St Vincent DePaul building has been installed but we are still waiting for the concrete moisture levels to fall so that the MCT can be installed.
Drone Video/Stills:
Joe Thebeault
Video Compilation:
Mary Ann Zanoff
'Hope' by Mateo
with 'Get the Sound'
This week work continued on the steel erection for the church. The main emphasis was the placement of the overhead structure across the nave and transept on the chapel side of the church.
The pavilion pad was poured on Wednesday of this week. Steel for the pavilion will be arriving on August 20th. Erection of the SVdP building began on Thursday.
The following is an brief update from our two week construction meeting. Gravel is being brought in and laid down in the parking lot and drive areas.
Humphries has begun to lay the church plumbing and Lakey is beginning to lay the underground electrical also.
The new parking area is being treated with lime and the sleeves are being buried. Gravel will be laid after this process.
We met with Graves to discuss the HVAC control system this afternoon. They’ve upgraded the church control system at no additional cost to us. We’ve asked for an RFI to tie in to the SVdP to the same system rather than use WiFi thermostats. We identified a few other actions as well.
As of this afternoon, nearly all of the church foundation piers have been completed. When the steel drawings are completed for the SVdP and pavilion, those piers will be poured.
Dirt was still being hauled off-site. Four loads of dirt were placed behind the pole barn/men’s club to level off the ground and remove the ponding. It has been graded out. One load of top soil will be brought back so that the men can seed the area.
It appears that all the fire line has been installed.
The pad for the church is essentially completed but Westfall is still waiting for the surveyor to mark the corners of the building. This has been put on hold as the pad for the St Vincent dePaul building has not been completed due to the sewer line problem. They will wait until the line is moved to call back the surveyors.
Temporary meter and power has been established for the construction trailer late yesterday.
Westfall has begun to run our new sewer line. They have bored underneath Michael St and attached to the manhole there. They are working backwards toward the church; several manholes have been put in place. They will put the manhole connector in place but not connect the homes as we do not have agreement on our reroute proposal. There is a teleconference set up for tomorrow between Tom, Jerry, Tana Ross and Strand Engineering to see what we can do to get their process moving. We are getting to a critical point and we need to get approval to the reroute question.
It also appears the lines are being dug to place the storm water lines in place under the new parking lot.
Legal has been in touch with Stewart Title and has been asking for counsel to be assigned. Stewart Title also asked for a few pictures of the sewer problem of which I sent last week. There has been no response from the surveyor companies from the demand letters.
The pads for the church and St Vincent dePaul have been constructed with fill from the detention area. The corners were to be surveyed today but the company canceled out. This will need to be done to make sure sufficient dirt has been placed around the sites. Westfall is awaiting delivery for the pilings/foundations; it is supposed to arrive Friday. Grinding of the brush, etc has begun today as well. The civil contractor has begun to cut in the new road and also running the new storm sewer lines in that area (Sanders side). They do not have power to the construction trailer yet. The meter case and pole have been erected; awaiting CenterPoint.
I talked to Westfall about costs associated with the upsizing of the storm sewers pipes as per the city and the re-route of the sanitary sewer. We discussed using the contingency for these. At this point, I told him only to provide the change order per the IFC documents for the 15 inch storm sewer lines; the city has not yet agreed to our re-route plan so we are holding off on that one.
Westfall is scraping the top loam from the church pad and will be bringing clay from the detention pond to build the pad.
The whole building site area has been cleared, but brush has not been ground up nor have trees beem removed. Centerpoint still has to install the drop down pole and meter for the construction trailer. A porch and stairs have been erected for the trailer.
The Fatima statue had been fenced and will be locked. The keys will go to parish management. No one should be back in the construction area and keeping it open would allow vandals to be in there unnoticed and hidden.