Welcome to our church family!
We're grateful you're here.
will be in the Narthex
Beginning November 16th, 2024
This year there are 2 children on each tag and family tags are grouped together.
Please take a whole family, if possible, or one or more tags if it is a very large family.
Please return the gifts as early as possible ...
but no later than Dec 15th
Deliver Wrapped Gifts to Room 12 near Marlene's Office in the CCE Hall.
We also accept Monetary Donations:
Simply place a check (made out to St Vincent de Paul)
or cash in an envelope marked for 'St. Vincent de Paul Giving Tree'
Thank You for your generosity! Questions? Contact Debbie Stachowiak -281-635-4765
Our Mission:
To join together in a bond of friendship, and to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering, in the tradition of our founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
Pantry Hours:
Hours of operation: Fridays from 9:00 am until 1:30 pm
Call anytime of the week for help 281-259-7300
Provide help for our community-in-need through food distribution, limited financial and medical, and spiritual support. Our ministry is an effective, behind-the-scenes way to show our love and caring to those who need our help.
Services to Those in Need:
Provide food through our Food Pantry distribution on Fridays
Deliver food to those who are home bound
Financial Assistance
Staff Meetings:
2nd Friday of the month meeting at 8am SVdP conference room
4th Thursday of the month zoom meeting at 7pm
We refer to HIS Helpers Resale Shop for clothing and household items.
Donations made payable to St. Matthias/SVDP (or St. Vincent de Paul on the memo line) will be included in your year-end statement from St. Matthias. St. Vincent de Paul prefers donations to be made this way. If your check is made payable to St. Vincent de Paul, it will be given directly to St. Vincent de Paul. St. Vincent de Paul does not send year-end statements.